Assignment Upload

B.P.Ed. 1st Semester

Please read the instructions carefully before submitting

1. Please ensure a good internet broadband connection beforehand. No internet or faulty network issue / excuse shall not be entertained.

2. Check the video below to see how to scan and upload your Assignment sheets.

3. Make sure you fill in your personal information correctly in the form below.

5. You can only submit a maximum of 50 pages of A4 size sheets. Total size of the uploading PDF file should not be more than 25 mb maximum.

6. There is a time limit of 12 hours /10:00AM to 05:00PM hours respectively. 

7. Make sure you also enter your Name/ Class/ Semester/ Roll Number on first page of the handwritten Assignment that you are scanning and keep them safe with you. The hard copies of the same paper will have to be submitted at college when classes resume.

Upload Your Assignment Sheets Here

B.P.Ed. 1st Sem.  Session 2021-23 Students Only

    Assignment Uploading will be available soon......

    How to Upload Your Assignment Sheets


    Scan your answer sheets with AdobeScan


    Upload your Assignment sheets